Policy Statement
FocuzMindz Inc is committed to ensuring that its website and web applications is accessible to people with disabilities. All the pages on our website and web applications will meet W3C WAI’s Web content accessibility guidelines 2.1, Level AA conformance. Report any issues to accessibility@focuzmindz.com
All new and redesigned web content published after the effective date of this policy by FocuzMindz Inc, both for public and internal websites and services, will conform to WCAG 2.1 Level AA success criteria.
All existing web content published prior to the effective date of this policy will either be archived or modified to conform to WCAG 2.1 Level AA success criteria. Web content hosted on FocuzMindz Inc. public websites will be addressed.
Need for this Policy
• The June 2011 World Health Organization (WHO) Report on Disability estimated that there are a billion people with disabilities. Many of these disabilities can affect access to information technologies, and/or can benefit from the use of information technologies including the Web.
• Accessibility of the Web is of critical importance to people with disabilities around the world, including people with auditory, cognitive, physical, neurological, and visual disabilities, and is likewise important to those with accessibility needs due to aging.
• Providing accessible web content can also benefit people who do not have disabilities but who are experiencing situational barriers. For instance, when accessing the Web from devices with small screens or in low bandwidth situations, or when experiencing barriers due to language or literacy levels, accessibility solutions can also support improved access.
• FocuzMindz Inc. is committed to ensuring equal access for people with disabilities. As potential customers and employees they are important contributor to FocuzMindz Inc. business success and should not be excluded.