Frequently asked questions
If you are an employee with an existing customer, please contact the designated FocuzMindz support staff for your company, or if you are anew customer, looking for FocuzMindz to work on a IT operations and support for your organization, please contact us using the feedback form or contact us pages available in this website .
If you are looking for a company to execute your software project, please contact us at any of our offices using the phone numbers or email addresses provided in this website.
We provide technology services to customers worldwide and are compatible with certain other technology companies like IBM, Accenture and Infosys.
We place technical consultants on projects and on contract basis as per customer needs. Please contact us at your nearest FocuzMindz office for more details and assistance with your project.
We are an equal employment opportunity employer. We advertise all open positions in various leading job portals including our website. Please apply using the relevant links in the website. Also you can send in your resume to
Contact us at the FocuzMindz office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.